Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Thule Raceway bike carriers at Roof Rack Centre

If you've ever had to use a rear mounted or clip on bike carrier on the rear of your vehicle to carry your bikes,you'd know how sometimes they can be a little awkward to set up & use.The new Raceway
series from Thule is in my opinion one of the best on the market in terms of easy of use.With only 4 straps used to attach to your vehicle,a dial setting to match your vehicle that sets the arm position & the easy to use ratcheting cables makes it very quick & easy to use.The range comes in a 2 or 3 bike carrier with cradle arms or a 2 bike platform style carrier.They've been a very popular bike carrier since there release & i can see why.If you'd like more info on these or any other products
we have here at the Roof Rack Centre don't hesitate to call our sales team or drop into our
store in Bulleen,only 15 minutes from Melbourne in Victoria.

Thanks for reading

Monday, 5 March 2012

Best size roof box for my car?

Hi Guys & Gals,

Just thought id touch on roof top boxes ,some may call them roof boots or roof pods.
Anyway you may have seen them getting around,the big plastic boxes on top of a cars
roof racks.They are great additional storage for your trips away.There are a number
of brands on the market today Thule,Rhino Rack,Prorack,Yakima & Rola are all
in my opinion the pick of the bunch.So how big do you go?Depends on your vehicle
& what you need to Carry,the roof boxes vary in length width & height.For general
carrying of soft gear like bedding,clothing bags etc a box with a volume of 400 ltrs
& upwards will easily take 4 -5 medium sized sports bags of gear.If you'd like some
more information,please contact our sales team at The Roof Rack Centre,we have a
large number of boxes on display & loads of info on our web site.

Thanks for reading

Mark Parris

Roof Rack Centre

Bulleen Victoria Australia 3105

Sunday, 4 March 2012

What are the best roof racks for my car?

Hi and welcome to my first blog.
You may be wondering what is the best roof racks for my car & how do i find out more about them.
Lets start with what you want to carry & how often you think you need to use your racks.
Depending on your vehicle & what you need to carry,roof racks can cost as little as $160 for a basic
pair of square cross bars.If you were wanting to leave the racks on all the time & are worried about
a bit of wind noise,some aero bars would be the go.They range in price from $269 up to $370.
There are dozens of options & accessories to make your life easy when carrying anything on
your car roof.If you have any questions or would like more information you can contact me
through my website

Thanks for reading

Mark Parris

Roof Rack Centre